Coming Soon... Idea of the Day... LIVE!
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/1/2020 7:29:34 AM
Live from New York... It's Idea of the Day LIVE!
Here I go again... Jumping into territory I've never tried before without any idea what I'm doing. What could go wrong?
I love the idea of doing something live, but I'm clueless about all the little things you need to make it happen.
My first attempt was just a test of my gear, and frankly, it didn't exactly go the way I planned. For one thing, I tried to stream in 4K, in spite of the fact that my laptop had a weak WiFi signal... not nearly fast enough to push a 4K stream.
Next, the stream literally stopped and I tried to re-connect, not knowing if it was continuing where I left off, or starting a brand new stream.
Another issue was that since I didn't give YouTube enough time to send an alert to my 800 or so subscribers, there was literally no audience and no way to know if anyone would see it, live... or as a saved video on my channel.
The good news is, I've learned quite a lot from my mistakes and I'm going to share what I learned in a future broadcast to both of my channels.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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* Note: The ideas on "Idea of the Day" were posted without any formal research into existing inventions.
In some cases, patents may already exist for these ideas, in other cases, there may not be any existing patents and you are free to develop and explore the viability of developing and patenting the ideas.
The authors make no claim that any of the ideas are safe, practical, or suitable for any particular purpose. You are responsible for the results of trying, developing, patenting or using any of the ideas on this site.
For some people, our ideas are just an interesting read, but our goal is to encourage you to take action. If you see an idea that you like, do something with it... Take action.
- Joe