Tap Apple Watch To Unlock Your iPhone
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/2/2015 1:00:00 AM
I hate passwords, especially on my iPhone.
I never let my iPhone out of my sight. It's either on my desk at home, or it's secured to my belt in a holster, so I never had any reason to set a passcode to turn it on. That changed when I decided to try Apple Pay on my Apple Watch, which doesn't work unless you secure your iPhone with a Passcode.
While I'm not thrilled with the idea of having to enter a Passcode every time I turn on my iPhone, I can understand why they require it for Apple Pay. It's still a pain in the neck, because you need to unlock the phone quite often.
I configured the Touch ID for at least four of my fingers, so I can unlock it without having to actually typing the password, but the problem is it doesn't work when I have wet hands or if I'm wearing gloves.
If you own an Apple Watch, wouldn't it be great if you could just tap your Watch against your iPhone to unlock it?
Since the iPhone and the Apple Watch have NFC functions that allow you to send and receive information just by tapping, it stands to reason that once the Watch is paired with your phone, it should be able to securely send a code to unlock it, provided you unlocked your Watch when you put it on.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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