The KIPP Program. A Model For EVERY School to Emulate
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/18/2016 1:00:00 AM
45% of lower income students who enter the KIPP program graduate college, as compared to only 9% who don't.
Low income students have less than 10% chance of graduating college, but 45% kids from the same neighborhoods who were lucky enough to get into a KIPP charter school successfully graduate college. That's amazing!
That's an even higher graduation rate than the national average, which is only 34%. With results like this, you have to wonder why EVERY school in the country doesn't try to emulate their methods.
The key to their success is that they start off with the principle that EVERY student can graduate college. They put a heavy emphasis on character building, which translates into building confidence sp that each student believes they will graduate.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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