Siri Should Be Able To Take Voice Memos
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/5/2016 1:00:00 AM
I've given up on having Siri take notes and reminders because it never works.
When an idea comes to me, it's important that I record it right away. Most of the time, I don't have paper or pen, so I rely on my iPhone and Apple Watch to do it.
At frist I used Siri to take notes, but more often than not, it would mess up the voice recognition and I'd have to repeat the dictation again and again until it resembled what I asked for. Basically, I said something like "Remind me to get a case for my iPhone", and Siri would say "Okay, your reminder reads... Get a case of ice for home... Shall I create it?". If it got it wrong, I'd start over. It was frustrating, but at least the confirmation let me know when it finally got it right.
Then, for some reason Apple released an "Improvement" to Siri that removed the confirmation step. Thanks a lot, Apple. Now when it screws up my dictation, I won't know it until I eventually read my reminders and wonder why the heck I'm buying ice... as I try to remember what it actually was.
This frustration finally ended when I got my Apple Watch and I got an App called "Just Press Record", which lets me make a voice recording by pressing a single button on my Watch face. From the first time I used it all I could wonder is... why isn't this a built-in option on not only the Apple Watch, but on the iPhone itself. We should be able to ask Siri to take a voice memo by pushing a button on our headphones, without unlocking our phones, or even taking it out.
What are they waiting for?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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