Scratch-Off Lotteries Should Show The Odds.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/11/2016 1:00:00 AM
Do you know the odds of winning a Scratch-Off Lottery Ticket?
When you walk into a store to buy a lottery ticket, you'll see dozens of different eye catching designs to grab your attention. On the surface, the only difference is the graphics, but it's a bit more complicated than that.
The fact is, some scratch-off games have better odds than others, but they don't make it clear. For example, a scratch-off with a multi-million dollar prize is going to have terrible odds, but a scratch-off with a $500 prize will have much better odds. The trouble is most people can't tell them apart.
With all that focus on graphic design, you'd think State Lottery Commissions would make it a point to reserve a portion of each ticket to clearly state the odds of winning each prize. Although they are required to show you the odds, they're not required to print them clearly... and on the front of the ticket, so you can see the odds before making a purchase. In fact, most lottery tickets don't even include the odds on the back, which puts the burden on the buyer to find the odds on the web.
That's just wrong. They should be required to not only show you the odds, but make sure it's visible before you buy it, preferably right on the front of the ticket.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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