Fire Trucks Should Always Have Green Lights at Major Intersections
Staten Island, NY Posted: 10/25/2014 1:00:00 AM
Colliding with a speeding 25,000 pound fire truck is devastating... Not to mention for the fire victims.
For years, many firehouses have had a traffic light directly in front of their garage so they can stop traffic while they pull out. The trouble is, most fire trucks have no control of the rest of the traffic lights they encounter on their way to the fire.
With today's automated traffic lights, GPS and wireless communications, there is no reason why a fire truck shouldn't be able to trigger all the traffic lights along their route to be green before they reach them.
This would not only give them safer passage to the fire, but also speed up the response times.
The technology is easy. It's a matter of price. Any city that can justify the expense of traffic cameras as a safety measure should find no trouble justifying this type of system at the same major intersections.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe