Apple Watch Features For Deaf or Blind People.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/9/2015 1:00:00 AM
You don't hear much about the potential uses of the Apple Watch for deaf or blind people.
I recently saw a blind person wearing a wrist watch. At first, I wondered if he wore it as a fashion accessory, or if there was some kind of special feature that made it possible for him to determine the time. Rather than ask, I searched online and saw that there are quite a few watches made for blind people. Some have a traditional looking face that people can feel, and some have sand entirely different face that only a blind person could understand.
After I got my Apple Watch, I thought of some ideas of how blind people could use the Apple Watch, and I discovered that Apple had some of the same ideas, but they haven't promoted them yet.
The most obvious feature is having a voice to tell you the time. Once this option is turned on, the Watch enables a feature to use a voice to announce when you tap the screen. While it's unlikely people with vision impairment will use certain Apps, simply tapping the screen to hear the time makes it immediately better than most watches for the blind.
Since the Watch can be configured to put other indicators in various locations such as the corners, it also means that a vision impaired person can tap any of the corners for such things like the temperature, date, stock market information, or a list of appointments, to name a few. This makes the Apple Watch an even better choice than traditional watches for visually impaired people.
Although it doesn't feature it now, if the user needs to be more discreet, the Taptic Engine inside the Apple Watch could even be used to silently tell the time by tapping it out on their wrist.
This made me think about how it could also be useful for people with both visual and hearing impairments. The Taptic Engine could be used to silently, and discreetly send messages between people.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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