Why No Hug For Chewbacca?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/1/2016 1:00:00 AM
Isn't it odd that Princess / General Leia greeted Rey with a big hug at a particularly sensitive moment... but there was no hug for Chewbacca?
In the latest Star Wars movie, (Episode VII, The Force Awakens), there's a moment that still has me scratching my head. It comes right after the Millennium Falcon returns to the Resistance Base without Han Solo, who was killed by his son Ben / Kylo Ren.
Just after the Falcon lands, we see Leia give Rey a big hug, which is pretty strange considering two things. First, she's never met Rey before that moment, and second, she doesn't seem to give any attention to Chewbacca, even though they've got over 40 years of history together.
Chewbacca just lost his best friend and Leia just lost her husband. Clearly, if anyone should be embracing at that moment it would be both of them.
It just makes you wonder if there's something else brewing... hmmm.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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