Why Star Wars Is NOT Science Fiction
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/3/2016 1:00:00 AM
Many people say Star Wars is the greatest science fiction movie of all time, which is odd, because it's not science fiction.
I'm a big science fiction fan. I've read tons of SciFi books over the years and there's one thing that's common to most science fiction, an essence of scientific plausibility in most of the story itself.
For example, Back to the Future is great science fiction, because although it may not be believable that a mad scientist from 1985 could build a time machine out of a car, the concept of time travel itself is actually possible, according to the laws of physics.
Star Wars, on the other hand has The Force, which is a magical power that some people use to lift things up, control and read people's minds, and even zap people with lightning bolts from their fingers. This makes Star Wars Science Fantasy... not Science Fiction. Science Fantasy means it's closer to Lord of the Rings than it is to Star Trek.
By contrast, Star Trek is pure science fiction. In over 50 years of Star Trek, you won't find any magical powers. In the few episode of the TV show where magical powers were exhibited, they usually found some science based explanation.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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