The HIDDEN Rebel Base in Star Wars?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/17/2017 1:00:00 AM
If it was so important to keep the location of the HIDDEN Rebel Base a secret, why did Princess Leia make it so easy for the Empire to find it?
Think about it. After enduring hours of torture, Princess Leia still refused to disclose the location of the Rebel Base, which shows you just how important it was to keep it a secret, yet somehow she flew directly to the base, even though she KNEW the Empire was tracking the Millennium Falcon. That's pretty strange.
If somebody was looking for you, and you knew the car you were driving had some kind of tracking device, wouldn't your first move be to get rid of the car as soon as possible? That's exactly what they did. Instead of simply landing on the nearest planet and swapping their ship for one that wasn't being tracked, they flew DIRECTLY to their hidden base, giving the Empire the exact location of the base.
How dumb was that? Within minutes, the Empire plotted a course for the Death Star to blow up the entire planet. Pretty strange.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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